Advanced models for crack path prediction in traditional and innovative materials
Fabrizio Greco, University of Calabria, Italy
Paolo Lonetti, University of Calabria, Italy
Lorenzo Leonetti, University of Calabria, Italy
Arturo Pascuzzo, University of Calabria, Italy
Keywords: crack path prediction, damage localization, numerical approaches, analytical methods, mixed-mode fracture models, multiscale models, composite materials, microstructures
A large class of traditional and innovative materials are prone to fracture, damage, and other mechanical processes, which may cause a notable loss in their stiffness and/or strength, thus potentially leading to their premature failure, even under ordinary loading conditions. All these phenomena significantly affect the overall mechanical response of a wide variety of structural systems in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering, as well as in biomechanics, geomechanics, micro- and nano-electromechanics, etc.
Accurately predicting crack nucleation and propagation phenomena in such materials (most of which are heterogeneous in nature) usually requires advanced numerical models and methods, which can simulate the gradual transition from diffuse damage to localized fracture events, also considering the mutual interactions between the various spatial scales involved, ranging from nano- to macro-scale.
The present Thematic Symposium aims to gather specialists in fracture mechanics, materials engineering, and computational mechanics to discuss the latest developments, best practices, and trends in the modeling and simulation of crack propagation for traditional and innovative materials as well as in the structural integrity assessment for components made of such materials.
The topics of the Symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Linear and nonlinear fracture models for crack analysis of composite materials and structures;
• Intra- and inter-laminar failure analysis in composite plates and shells;
• Analytical and numerical homogenization techniques for cracked or damaged composites;
• Multiscale models for strain localization phenomena in heterogeneous materials and structures;
• Investigation of contact or friction effects on crack path prediction, even in large deformations;
• Interface models for mixed-mode crack propagation analysis;
• Simulation of crack growth in inhomogeneous media by using mesh-based and meshless approaches;
• Local and nonlocal models for cracked structures;
• Prediction of fracture behavior in metamaterials and other advanced architectured materials.
It is an ambition of the present Symposium to receive many contributions to stimulate profitable collaboration between materials engineers, mechanical designers, and experts in fracture simulation. Multidisciplinary studies encompassing experimental investigations are also welcome.