TC3 Young Scientist Award - Crack Paths 2024

CP 2024
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TC3 Young Scientist Award

Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the TC3 Young Scientist Award created by ESIS TC03 Technical Committee to distinguish the best contribution presented during the 8th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP2024).
The winner will be announced at the CP2024 event.
The winner will receive an Award Certificate and a trophy.

Regulations and Eligibility Criteria
  • The TC3 Young Scientist Award is dedicated to the best contribution presented at CP2024 event, to be selected by the ESIS TC03 Awards Committee
  • Young scientists who have not reached the age of 37 years on the first day of the CP2024 event may apply for this award within the Award deadline
  • They have to submit their CV to Sabrina Vantadori ( who will then distribute this material to the ESIS TC03 Awards Committee
TC3  Young Scientist Award deadline: 15.06.2024 30.06.2024 31.07.2024.

The ESIS TC03 Awards Committee will be composed by TC03 chairpersons, TC03 Secretaries, and three members selected by ESIS president (people selected for just one year).


10 - 12 September 2024
TC3 Secretariat
Camilla Ronchei

CP 2024
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